POETRY: Untitled

Guess who was 'spring cleaning' the other day?
While going through old letters, photographs, slips, ticket stubs, hospital bills, tax documents and the odd birthday card I found this. A little something something I wrote nearly a decade ago. 

So, from 23 year old Nandi to you I'd like to share Untitled. (slightly edited from the original piece)

I caught a cab back home that night and I was feeling elated.
I thought of your words as I took them whole in my mouth.
I let the energy of your being hit the top of my palette and let your flow ruminate just to savor your potency.
And I swear, I could not only taste each syllable, your pitch, tones and inflections but that every ample curve of your consonants and vowels were secret codes that only I could decipher.
The 1st word of the 2nd verse, the 3rd last letter to the first word in your 3rd verse and the 1st and 2nd letters at the end of the 7th word of your 5th verse
You spoke to me.
From your soul sprung a stream of words that I had bottled away so long ago
Your words nourished me.
I took long and languid sips of love, of hope and of rhyme.
I caught a cab back home that night feeling all kinds of stupid drunk.
Thinking that that smile of yours had definitely gone straight to my head.

I think I may have written something about when we eventually started dating.
Yep, we dated. After all that inspiration a girl had to see what was good. Hahaha!

by Nandi Dlepu

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