Hello Nice

There’s an old commercial where a guy goes ape shit because someone tells him his car is nice. “Nice?!” he spits out. “Mrs Robinson from down the road is nice! A cup of tea is just nice!” and on he rants. Unlike that guy, I could do with some nice in my life. If this new chapter of mine had a soundtrack it would be John Coltranes’ “Central Park West”. Now that’s the kind of nice I’m talking about, it’s a slow drawl as you sink into bed after a long ass day. Metaphorically speaking that day represents this last chapter of my life and now, all I want now is niiiiice. A steamy bathroom, my big toe as it slowly enters a warm bath. That feeling, when an anticipated pleasure is purrfect. Not more and not less, just niiiiiice. Pleasant. Agreeable. Satisfactory.
I decided to "nicefy" one aspect of my life at a time. Beginning simply with how I spend the 2 days I spend the other 5 days working to have. My weekend. We are all given a certain amount of heartbeats per lifetime and I just wanna ride this life thing out for as long as I can hence the new steez. Very agreeable weekends.

I spent Saturday morning with my son at Clamber Club. Then took my boy to his grandmas so he could hang out with his cousins while his Mom hung out with the girl MK at the Neighbourgoods market. Went back to my moms place and was welcomed with an incredible embrace from my son. I swear you can feel the love seeping through his pores when he hugs me. Now that I was back, Akani’s focus was all on me much to Asante’s displeasure. She loves and finds him curious. You can see by the way she always goes out of her way to make him laugh then watch in absolute glee as he does always making sure to point it out to me, “Look at Akani, he is laughing”. Sweet. I lay on my mothers bed, Akani on my chest, Asante, the dotting niece, at the foot of the be feeling very satisfied with myself, like I had done a little bit of everything.

I spent the morning getting my son ready for his day with his dad. He leaves and I am beat. I put in some mandatory couch time and watch the first half of a biopic on Marilyn Monroe. How many times can you tell a story about one individual I think. I am finally summoned by Vusi. He leaves today, returns to New York to join his soul mate. She is studying, singing and living in the big apple. For as long as I have known Vusi he has always wanted to go to New York and I’ve known Vusi for a pretty long time.  After so many years of talking about it he finally gets his visa and a plane ticket. He is propelled by love . Not just for the city nor himself but for the woman he has loved for almost a decade.  
I then drive to the south for my first Thesis Social Jam in support of Doepelganger, the duo that is MK and Muptee. I dance, laugh and talk shit. As the sun sets I make moves to be reunited with my son, also in the south with his dad at his grandma’s, in Rockville. I am greeted with another of his legendary hugs. He wraps legs and arms around me and lays his head on my shoulder. My heart. We drive home.

A long time ago I received some really sound advice from a charming and unscrupulous young man. I ignored him but I now accept that sometimes even charming and unscrupulous young men have something worthwhile to share. The charming and unscrupulous young man said I should learn to determine my own rhythm and really this is what the new chapter is all about. There will be no going with the flow, riding thrill seeking waves rather a leisurely stroll along the shore. Yep, I'm a "likes to take long walks on the beach" kinda gal. Well, at least, for now.

(small and edible portions only please.)

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