Book Review: A Belle in Brooklyn

They say timing is everything and in this instance I agree, fervently! The month before woman's month a friend recommended that I read, A Belle in Brooklyn by Demetria L. Lucas. Reeling off the relationship insights from the book I committed to sharing an insight from her book everyday for the month of August via twitter. The gift of insight, even if it was another's, was my contribution to women all over for those 31 days. A Belle in Brooklyn is also my first book recommendation for my newly introduced Book Reviews! This will be monthly. You may ask, when was this announcement made exactly? Well, just now :-)

I, like many others, commonly refer to D as the black Carrie Bradshaw. Never has dating while black sounded so fun, truthful and glamourous. A far cry from the perceived desperation which is usually attributed with the single black female. Black women have so many negative stereotypes to battle. The angry black woman, baby mama drama stereotypes, loud, obnoxious and finger waving ghetto fabulous black women and of course the desperately tryna find and bag (sometimes maim a black man) stereotype. It was refreshing to read a book who's exploits mirrored so many of my own and many of my girlfriends stories of single life and portray it in a fun and thoughtful manner. I implore my readers to buy, section off a day to lie on your couch, on your bench, on the grass, in your house, on your patio, by the poolside sipping on something cool be it a cocktail, a glass of wine, Oros or a tall glass of blue with some instrumental jazz in the background and READ THIS BOOK. 

Demetria L. Lucas

Heres' a recap of the months insights from the book. They are all the things that she had wished someone had told her or the things somebody did tell her but she didn't listen to.

If he doesn't call, he's not interested. Period.
It's impossible to fill an emotional void with a physical act.
If he says he's not ready for a relationship, he's not ready for a relationship.
Kings don't always wear crowns.
Wanting to have sex with you and wanting to be with you can be mutually exclusive ideas.
Wanting you to want him and actually wanting you can be mutually exclusive ideas.
If he has a girlfriend, leave him alone. If he leaves her for you, he'll do the same to you. If he stays with her and deals with you, he's a whore. Either option is bad for you.
A beautiful face (or body) does not make a beautiful mind.
Men don't read minds. If you want something, ask for it.
Men are insecure too.
Just because he's a good man, that does not make him the right man for you.
Its okay to be alone. You'll be fine without him I pinky swear it.
Sometimes things just don't work out, and its nobody's fault.
You don't always get closure. Make peace with it anyway.
You have to grow, but you don't have to change.
Dysfunctional people love dysfunctionally.
Love with your heart; think with your head.
Just because you miss him, that does not mean you are meant to be with him.
Good guys exist, but perfection does not.
Learn to compromise, but don't compromise yourself.
Love is a verb. Having an emotion means absolutely nothing if it is not followed through with action.
Know that if he is the One, he will be the One.
When you feel as if you're forcing a relationship, you are. Its not working. Stop and look for the Next One.
Complaining about men will not somehow make men better. It will only may you bitter.
If you're single and can't find your type, go looking for him. There is nothing wrong with being proactive about what you want.
You don't have to be an angry woman to be a strong woman. Angry does not equal strong. It equals angry.
Good men make bad mistakes. That said, theres a difference between moral failing and a mistake. Forgive mistakes. Get rid of moral failures.
Every man isn't out to get you or do you dirty.
If you're always complaining about men "aint shit", ask yourself whats wrong with you that you keep attracting "ain't shit" men.
A bad break up is a valid excuse to break down, but not to stay down.

Buy the book and feast!

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